How we are
About me

Let's ignore the previous lives now where I was a mage, a wizard, a shaman, a druid. In my present life I can also be considered a magician, because no one has ever seen electricity, but they give me a degree if I can use this invisible energy. (Can you imagine anything more magical than a travelling-wave tube?) I have always been interested in magic, how it works, what knowledge it requires and why. I have made many pendulums, energy and crystal wands. The real breakthrough was G. Harry Stine's book Mind Machines you can build (1992). The book then became the basis for a lot of experiments.
But that's not what inspired me to create (Atonala is my light name).

About the 1st wand

I was about to go to Ireland - because I had to free some soldiers who had been fighting for hundreds of years, to remove a curse from a castle and for other reasons (like meeting an elf)... I had a dream in which I was given a wand from a 280-year-old tree.
The dream also told me what kind of tree it was, but I have no recollection of it.
After the ceremony I did in an arboretum, I had a strange feeling, I felt that the wand in front of me was the wand, I had to pick it up. When I got home I showed it to its owner to choose the one which belonged to them. They said it was easy and they picked that wand, they said it was very strong. I asked them if they would like to make it themselves? Because when I got off the plane I felt I had to make it for them and ideas came to me on how to do it. They said I should do it.

First process (24.01): I put it in the dryer because it was very wet.

Second process (05.02): After asking the wand's permission, I carefully sanded it, keeping its natural shape and form. The shape reminded me strongly of something. While I was working on it, I got the idea to create a website where I make magic wands for other people. Lightworkers are about to come and the wand will help them to do what they need to do, or it will be a sign for them, or it will give them power. The Seer said I shouldn't wait, I should create the website.

Third process (13.02): I started to get a lot of ideas on how to make it, but I stayed with the original idea. What inscriptions to put on it, where to put it, which essential oils to use where. What and how to do in the ceremony.

Fourth process (14.02): Surface treatment (with natural oil), making the silk pouch and the outer wrapping.

Fifth process (15.02): Surface treatment

Sixth process (16.02): Final surface treatment, closing ceremony in which I draw out my personal energy that inevitably enters into and onto the wand during the process of making it.

Finaly process (17.02): Inspection by the Seer

All according to God. I plan to make videos on the use of the wand and on rituals. If you feel the call, visit the mywand page.